CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全94ページ 0.65MB]
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AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM210The XM Satellite Radio is solely responsi-ble for the quality, availability and contentof the satellite radio services provided,which are subject to the terms and condi-tions of the XM Satellite Radio customerservice agreement.Customers should have their radio IDready; the radio ID can be found by tuningto channel 000 on the radio. For details,see (b) Displaying the radio ID below.All fees and programming are the respon-sibility of the XM Satellite Radio and aresubject to change.Satellite tuner technology notice: Lexuss satellite radio tuners are awardedType Approval Certificates from XM Sat-ellite Radio Inc. as proof of compatibilitywith the services offered by the XM Satel-lite Radio.(b) Displaying the radio IDEach XM tuner is identified with a uniqueradio ID. You will need the radio ID whenactivating XM service or when reportinga problem.If you select the CH 000 using theTUNE*FILE knob, the ID code of 8 al-phanumeric characters appears. If you se-lect another channel, display of the IDcode is canceled. The channel(000) alter-nates the display between the radio ID andthe specific radio ID code.INFORMATIONCargo loaded on the roof luggage car-rier, especially metal objects, may ad-versely affect the reception of XM Satellite Radio.(c) Listening to satellite radioPush the SAT button to display audioscreen and select SAT tab to choosea SAT channel.SAT1, SAT2 or SAT3 appears on thescreen.Turn this knob to select the next or pre-vious channel.If you turn continuously, you can rapidlyscroll forward or down through the chan-nels.
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