CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全94ページ 0.65MB]
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AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM281TERMSPacket write This is a general term that describes theprocess of writing data on −demand toCD−R, etc., in the same way that data iswritten to floppy or hard discs.ID3 Tag This is a method of embedding track −re-lated information in an MP3 file. This em-bedded information can include the tracktitle, the artists name, the album title, themusic genre, the year of production, com-ments and other data. The contents canbe freely edited using software with ID3 tagediting functions. Although the tags are re-stricted to the number of characters, the in-formation can be viewed when the track isplayed back.WMA Tag WMA files can contain a WMA tag that isused in the same way as an ID3 tag. WMAtags carry information such as track title,artist name.ISO 9660 format This is the international standard for theformatting of CD−ROM folders and files.For the ISO 9660 format, there are two lev-els of regulations.Level 1:The file name is in 8.3 format (8 characterfile names, with a 3 character file exten-sion. File names must be composed ofone−byte capital letters and numbers. The_ symbol may also be included.)Level 2:The file name can have up to 31 characters(including the separation mark . and fileextension). Each folder must contain few-er than 8 hierarchies.m3u Playlists created using WINAMP soft-ware have a playlist file extension (.m3u).MP3 MP3 is an audio compression standard de-termined by a working group (MPEG) ofthe ISO (International Standard Organiza-tion). MP3 compresses audio data toabout 1/10 the size of that on conventionaldiscs.WMA WMA (Windows Media Audio) is an audiocompression format developed byMicrosoft. It compresses files into a sizesmaller than that of MP3 files. Thedecoding formats for WMA files are Ver. 7,8, and 9.
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