CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全94ページ 0.65MB]
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AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM229OTHER FUNCTIONSRPT: Use it for automatic repeat of thefile or folder you are currently listening to.Repeating a file Select RPT briefly while the file is play-ing. RPT appears on the screen. Whenthe file is finished, the changer will auto-matically go back to the beginning of thefile and play the file again. To cancel it, se-lect RPT once again.Repeating a folder Select RPT for longer than a secondwhile the folder is playing. FLD.RPT ap-pears on the screen. When the folder isfinished, the changer will automatically goback to the beginning of the folder and playthe folder again. To cancel it, select RPTonce again.RAND: Use it for automatic and randomselection of the folder or the disc which youare currently listening to.Playing the files in one folder in randomorder Select RAND briefly while the disc isplaying. RAND appears on the screen.The system selects a file in the folder youare currently listening to. To cancel it, se-lect RAND once again.Playing the files in all the folders on onedisc in random order Select RAND for longer than a secondwhile the disc is playing. FLD.RAND ap-pears on the screen. The system selectsa file in all the folders. To cancel it, selectRAND once again.When a file is skipped or the system is in-operative, select RAND to reset.
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