CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全94ページ 0.65MB]
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AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM222SELECTING A DESIRED TRACKSEEK/TRACK button: Use for directaccess to a desired track.Push either side of the SEEK/TRACKbutton and repeat it until the desired tracknumber appears on the screen. As you re-lease the button, the changer will startplaying the selected track from the begin-ning.Select for Track: The desired track canbe selected from a list. This function isavailable only when the vehicle is not mov-ing.Select Select. The track list is dis-played.Select the desired track number. Thechanger will start playing the selectedtrack from the beginning.: By selecting this button, the listmoves up by 5 track groups. If this buttonis selected when the top page of the list isdisplayed, the last page is displayed.: By selecting this button, the listmoves down by 5 track groups. If this but-ton is selected when the last page of the listis displayed, the top page is displayed., : If appears to the right of the itemname, the complete name is too long forthe display.Select to scroll to the end of the name.Select to scroll the beginning of thename.Fast forward: Push side of theSEEK/TRACK button and hold it to fastforward the disc. When you release thebutton, the changer will resume playingfrom that position.Reverse: Push side of the SEEK/TRACK button and hold it to reverse thedisc. When you release the button, thechanger will resume playing.
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