CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全94ページ 0.65MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../u_07.pdf - 0.65MB
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94page / 0.65MB
AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM240DISPLAYING DVD CONTROLSDVD videoDVD audioIf you select , while watching video,DVD controls will appear.If appears on the screen when you se-lect a control, the operation relevant to thecontrol is not permitted.DESCRIPTION OF DVD VIDEO CON-TROLSMenu and Top Menu: If you selectany of the above controls, the menuscreen for DVD video appears. (For theoperation, see the manual that comes withthe DVD video disc provided separately.):The menu control key appears onthe screen. (See page 241.):Selecting this will pause the videoscreen.:Selecting this will fast reverse dur-ing playback.:Selecting this will stop the videoscreen.:Selecting this will resume normalplay during pause.:Selecting this will fast forward dur-ing playback and forward frame by frameduring pause.
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