CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全94ページ 0.65MB]
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AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM2333. Insert the next disc after the orangeindicators change to green and stay onand the DVD changer door opens.4. Repeat this procedure until you in-sert all the discs.To cancel the operation, push the LOADbutton briefly.If you do not insert the discs within 15 sec-onds after pushing the LOAD button, thebeep will sound and the operation will becanceled automatically.NOTICEDo not insert one disc stacked on topof another one or feed them in contin-uously, to prevent discs from gettingstuck in the changer.(b) Ejecting discs A single disc alone:1. Push the or button of CH/DISC or select the disc number buttonon the Change Discs screen to high-light the disc number you want to eject.To display the Change Discs screen, se-lect Change Discs on each audio con-trol screen.
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