CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全94ページ 0.65MB]
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AUDIO/VIDEO SYSTEM277 Labeled discsNOTICE Do not use special shaped, trans-parent/translucent, low quality orlabeled discs such as those shownin the illustrations. The use of suchdiscs may damage the player orchanger, or it may be impossible toeject the disc. This system is not designed for useof Dual Disc. Do not use Dual Discbecause it may cause damage tothe changer. Do not use a disc with protectionring. The use of such disc maydamage the changer, or it may beimpossible to eject the disc. Correct Wrong Handle discs carefully, especiallywhen you are inserting them. Holdthem on the edge and do not bend the-m. Avoid getting fingerprints on them,particularly on the shiny side. Dirt, scratches, warping, pin holes, orother disc damage could cause theplayer to skip or to repeat a section ofa track. (To see a pin hole, hold the discup to the light.) Remove discs from the players whenyou are not using them. Store them intheir plastic cases away from moisture,heat, and direct sunlight.
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