GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全73ページ 4.50MB]
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7137-2. Steps to take in an emergencyGS350_U (OM30C34U)7When trouble arisesWarning message Details Correction procedureIndicates that all mainte-nance is required to cor-respond to the drivendistance on the mainte-nance schedule*.Perform the necessarymaintenance. Pleasereset the maintenancedata after the mainte-nance is performed (→P. 602)Comes on approxi-mately 5000 miles(8000 km) after themaintenance data hasbeen reset. (The indicator will notwork properly unless themaintenance data hasbeen reset.)Indicates that the tireinflation pressure is lowCheck the tire inflationpressure, and adjust tothe appropriate level.Indicates a malfunction inthe tire pressure warningsystemStop the vehicle in a safeplace and turn the engineswitch off then on again.If the tire pressurewarning indicatorflashes for 1 minutethen illuminates, thereis a malfunction in thesystem. Have the vehi-cle inspected at yourLexus dealer.(U.S.A. only)(If equipped)(If equipped)
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