GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全73ページ 4.50MB]
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7177-2. Steps to take in an emergencyGS350_U (OM30C34U)7When trouble arisesInteriorbuzzerExteriorbuzzerWarning message DetailsCorrection procedureCon-tinuousCon-tinuousThe driver's doorwas opened andclosed while theelectronic key wasnot in the vehicle,the shift lever wasnot in P and theengine switch wasnot turned off.* Shift theshift leverto P.*Bring theelec-tronic keyback intothe vehi-cle.⎯Con-tinuousAn attempt wasmade to lock thedoors using thesmart access sys-tem with push-but-ton start while theelectronic key wasstill inside the vehi-cle.Retrieve theelectronickey from thevehicle andlock thedoors again.OnceCon-tinuousAn attempt wasmade to lock eitherfront door by open-ing a door and put-ting the inside lockbutton into the lockposition, then clos-ing the door withthe electronic keystill inside the vehi-cle.Retrieve theelectronickey from thevehicle andlock thedoors again.(Displayed alternately)(Flashes)(Flashes)(Flashes)
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