GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全73ページ 4.50MB]
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7147-2. Steps to take in an emergencyGS350_U (OM30C34U)*: Refer to the separate "Scheduled Maintenance" or "Owner's Manual Supple-ment" for the maintenance interval applicable to your vehicle.Warning message Details Correction procedureIndicates that the tireposition information can-not be recognizedDrive for a short whileand check if the displayupdates.If the radio wave condi-tions improve, the dis-play may return tonormal. If the tire pres-sure is still not dis-played after driving forseveral minutes, stopthe vehicle in a safeplace, turn the engineswitch off then onagain, and start driving. If the tire pressure is stillnot displayed evenafter repeating this sev-eral times, have thevehicle inspected atyour Lexus dealer.Indicates that the pre-col-lision system is not cur-rently functional becausethe grille cover or thesensor is dirtyThis message alsoappears when the pre-collision system is notfunctional due to over-heating.Check the grille coverand the sensor and cleanthem if they are dirty.In case of overheating,the system will becomefunctional once the sys-tem cools down.(If equipped)(Flashes)(If equipped)
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