GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全73ページ 4.50MB]
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7307-2. Steps to take in an emergencyGS350_U (OM30C34U)Remove any dirt or foreign mat-ter from the wheel contact sur-face.If foreign matter is on the wheel con-tact surface, the wheel nuts mayloosen while the vehicle is in motion,causing the tire to come off.Install the spare tire and loosely tighten each wheel nut by hand byapproximately the same amount.When replacing an aluminumwheel with a steel wheel, tightenthe wheel nuts until the taperedportion comes into loose contactwith the disc wheel seat.When replacing an aluminumwheel with an aluminum wheel,turn the wheel nuts until thewashers come into contact withthe disc wheel.Installing the spare tire12Tapered portionDisc wheel seatDisc wheelWasher
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