GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全73ページ 4.50MB]
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686GS350_U (OM30C34U)7-2. Steps to take in an emergencyIf a warning light turns on or a warning buzzer soundsThe following warning indicates a possible problem in the brake system.Immediately stop the vehicle in a safe place and contact your Lexusdealer.Calmly perform the following actions if any of the warning lights comeson or flashes. If a light comes on or flashes, but then goes off, this doesnot necessarily indicate a malfunction in the system. However, if thiscontinues to occur, have the vehicle inspected by your Lexus dealer.Stop the vehicle immediately. Cont inuing to drive the vehicle maybe dangerous.Warning light Warning light/Details(U.S.A.)(Canada)Brake system warning light (warning buzzer)*Low brake fluid* Malfunction in the brake booster system
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