GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全36ページ 7.18MB]
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4123-7. Other interior featuresGS_G_U (OM30C11U)June 30, 2011 8:14 amPress and hold one of theHomeLink(R) buttons and the trans-mitter button. When theHomeLink(R) indicator lightchanges from a slow to a rapidflash after 20 seconds, releaseboth buttons.Test the HomeLink(R) operation bypressing the newly programmedbutton.If a HomeLink(R) button has beenprogrammed for a garage door,check to see if the garage dooropens and closes. If the garagedoor does not operate, see if yourremote control transmitter is of therolling code type. Press and holdthe programmed HomeLink(R) but-ton. The remote control transmitteris of the rolling code type if theHomeLink(R) indicator light flashesrapidly for 2 seconds and thenremains lit. If your transmitter is ofthe rolling code type, proceed tothe heading "Programming a roll-ing code system".Repeat the steps above to program another device for each ofthe remaining HomeLink(R) buttons.STEP 2STEP 3STEP 4
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