ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全82ページ 1.30MB]
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You have purchased one of the finestvehicles built in the world today, and itis backed by one of the finest war-ranties in the industry. This excellentwarranty coverage demonstrates notonly our confidence in Lexus vehicles,but also our commitment to everyLexus customer. We’re dedicated toensuring that you enjoy exceptionalquality, dependability and peace ofmind throughout your ownershipexperience.To further demonstrate our commit-ment to our customers’ satisfaction,occasionally we may establish a special policy adjustment to pay forspecific repairs that are no longercovered by warranty. When we estab-lish such a policy adjustment, we maildetails to all applicable owners onrecord. That’s why it is important tosend in the card at the back of thisbooklet if you change your address or if you have purchased your Lexusfrom a previous owner.You’ve made a wise decision to pur-chase a Lexus. Your vehicle deliversworld-class luxury and performance,along with an unparalleled commit-ment from Lexus to ensuring your sat-isfaction. You can be confident — aswe are — that you’ll enjoy owning yourLexus as much as you enjoy driving it. All warranty information is the latestavailable at the time of publicationand, with the exception of the emis-sion control warranties, is subject tochange without notice.Introduction14THE LEXUS COMMITMENTWARRANTYThis section of the Warranty andServices Guidedescribes theterms of Lexus warranty cover-age as well as general ownerresponsibilities. The section be-ginning on page 39 describesyour vehicle’s maintenancerequirements. Be sure to reviewthis information carefully, sinceproper maintenance is requiredto ensure that warranty coverageremains intact.Lexus sedans-009_038.cgla 7/3/07 7:27 PM Page 14
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