ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全82ページ 1.30MB]
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If your name or addresshas changed or if you purchased your Lexus as a used vehicle, please complete and mail one of the attached cards, even if your warranty coverage has expired. This will enable Lexus to contact you with important product or safety updates concern-ing your vehicle. If there is no longer a cardattached, please call the Lexus CustomerSatisfaction Department at (800) 255-3987.This information is obtained solely for the use of Lexus. Lexus occasionally sends specialpromotional offers to registered owners. Check here if you prefer not to receive these offers.Check here ifaddress belowis for company: ❏First name M.I. Last nameCompany nameStreet address or P.O. Box Apt. or suite numberCity StateZip codePrimary phone number Secondary phone numberE-mail address:❏Mr.❏Mrs.❏Ms.❏Miss❏Dr.Vehicle Identification Number (required to process change) Mo. DayYearToday's date:❏Same owner, name and/or address changed❏Same owner, additional driver who should receive product/safety updates❏New owner, purchased vehicle used from a Lexus dealership on this date:❏New owner, purchased vehicle used from other than a Lexus dealership on this date:❏ Check one:Owner Information Change FormLexus sedans-046_080.cgla 7/3/07 8:21 PM Page 77
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