ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全82ページ 1.30MB]
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In addition to completing the cus-tomer claim form, please provideNCDS with the following information:•Vehicle year, make, model, VIN,mileage and date of purchase.•A brief description of your com-plaint and the actions you havetaken to resolve it.•What action or remedy youbelieve would resolve your problem.If you are seeking reimbursement forrepairs or incidental expenses, pleaseprovide copies of applicable receipts.Send your request to:National Center for Dispute SettlementP.O. Box 457Mt. Clemens, MI 48046Upon receipt of your request, NCDSwill contact you regarding the statusof your case and supply you withadditional details about the program.How does the arbitrationprocess work?When NCDS receives your request,it will be forwarded to the Lexus areaoffice for response.At the request of either party or thearbitrators, NCDS may schedule atechnical inspection. This may includean inspection of the vehicle by anindependent technical expert with aLexus representative present. Thetechnical expert will forward his orher evaluation to NCDS.An oral hearing will be held prior to a decision being rendered. At thishearing, all relevant evidence isadmissible. You and a Lexus repre-sentative will present both sides of the case to the NCDS arbitrator(s).You will each be given an equalopportunity to give testimony andprovide documents. Then you willeach be given an opportunity forrebuttal. After considering all testimo-ny and documents, the arbitrator(s)will review the applicable legal stan-dards and render a decision within 10 days.A settlement satisfactory to all partiesmay be negotiated at any time duringthe process.Introduction12IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCEWARRANTYLexus sedans-009_038.cgla 7/3/07 7:26 PM Page 12
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