ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全82ページ 1.30MB]
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EXPLANATION OF MAINTENANCE ITEMSMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log68Engine Valve Clearance (SC)Inspect for excessive lifter noise andengine vibration and adjust if neces-sary. (All other models are equippedwith hydraulic valve lash adjusters thatrequire no periodic clearance inspec-tion or adjustment.)Exhaust Pipes and MountingsVisually inspect the exhaust pipes,muffler and hangers for cracks, deterioration and damage. Start the engine and listen carefully for any exhaust leakage. Tighten connec-tions and replace parts as necessary.Fuel Lines and Connections, FuelTank Band and Fuel Tank VaporVent System HosesVisually inspect for corrosion, dam-age, cracks, and loose or leaking connections. Tighten connections and replace parts as necessary.Fuel Tank Cap GasketVisually inspect for cracks, deterio-ration and damage and replace if necessary.Nuts and Bolts on ChassisCheck that tightness of the seat-mounting bolts and front/rear suspen-sion-member retaining bolts matchestorque measurements specified in theRepair Manual.Power Steering FluidWhen inspecting, visually check thepower steering fluid level on the see-through reservoir. Add fluid as neces-sary. For fluid specifications, refer toyour Owner's Manual.Rack and Pinion AssemblyInspect the rack and pinion assemblyfor signs of leakage, damage andloose electrical connections. Tightenconnections and if you discover anyleakage or damage, have it repairedimmediately by a qualified technician.Road TestWhile driving the vehicle, check forproper operation of engine, transmis-sion, brakes and steering. Also checkfor abnormal noise or vibration fromany part of the vehicle.Spark PlugsReplace at specified interval. A quali-fied technician should perform thisoperation. To ensure optimum engineperformance on ES 350, replace onlywith Denso FK20HR11 plugs orequivalent.Lexus sedans-046_080.cgla 7/3/07 8:15 PM Page 68
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