ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全82ページ 1.30MB]
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If a dispute arises regarding your warranty coverage, please follow the steps described on pages 9–10. Please note that you must use theNational Center for DisputeSettlement before seeking remediesthrough a court action pursuant to theMagnuson-Moss Warranty Act. Youmay also be required to use theNational Center for DisputeSettlement before seeking remediesunder the Lemon Laws of your state.For the requirements applicable toyour state, see the appropriate pageof the Lemon Law Guide located inyour vehicle.DISPUTE RESOLUTIONYour Warranties in Detail 21NEW VEHICLE LIMITED WARRANTYWARRANTYDisclaimer of ExtraExpenses and DamagesThe performance of necessaryrepairs and adjustments is theexclusive remedy under this war-ranty or any implied warranty.Lexus does not authorize anyperson to create for it any otherobligation or liability in connec-tion with this vehicle. Lexus shallnot be liable for incidental orconsequential damages resultingfrom breach of this written war-ranty or any implied warranty. Any implied warranty of mer-chantability or fitness for a partic-ular purpose is limited to theduration of this written warranty,except in states where this limita-tion is not allowed. Lexus sedans-009_038.cgla 7/3/07 7:29 PM Page 21
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