ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全82ページ 1.30MB]
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Scheduled Maintenance LogSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE45What are Lexus PersonalizedSettings?Your vehicle includes a variety ofelectronic features that can be pro-grammed to your preferences. Forexample, doors can be programmedto remain locked when you shift into“Park.” (For more information, see the“Customizable Features” section ofthe Specifications chapter in yourOwner’s Manual.) Programming ofthese features is performed once atno charge, provided you obtain theservice at the 30-day/1,000-milescheduled maintenance service.Programming of your Lexus Personal-ized Settings requires special equip-ment and may be performed only byan authorized Lexus dealership. 30 Days or 1,000 MilesComplimentary FirstScheduled Maintenance Service❏Inspect body/chassis❏Check for fluid leaks❏Road-test vehicle❏Program Lexus Personalized Settings, if requestedDate: ________ Mileage: ________Notes:Lexus sedans-039_045.cgla 7/3/07 7:51 PM Page 45
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