
ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全16ページ 0.25MB]

Swan2911 - 2013-09-25 - 0.25MB - キャッシュ
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BASIC FUNCTIONS22When the "ENGINE START STOP" switchis in ACCESSORY or IGNITION ONmode, the initial screen will be displayedand the system will begin operating.CAUTIONWhen the vehicle is stopped with theengine running, always apply theparking brake for safety.After a few seconds, the "CAUTION"screen will be displayed.After about 5 seconds, the "CAUTION"screen automatically switches to the mapscreen. When the "MAP/VOICE" buttonis also pushed, the map screen is dis-played.While the "CAUTION" screen is displayed,the "DEST" or "MENU" button cannot beoperated. And if the "Language", "Cal-endar" or "Maintenance" buttons on the"Information" screen are touched, thescreen will change back to "CAUTION"screen and then change to the map screenin about 5 seconds later or if the "MAP/VOICE" button is pushed. Maintenance informationThis system informs about when to replacecertain parts or components and showsdealer information (if registered) on thescreen.When the vehicle reaches a previously setdriving distance or date specified for ascheduled maintenance check, the "Infor-mation" screen will be displayed when thenavigation system is in operation.To disable this screen, touch "Do NotDisplay This Message Again.". screen goes off if the screen is not op-erated for several seconds.To prevent this information screen from be-ing displayed again, touch "Do NotDisplay This Message Again." .To register "Maintenance information", see"Maintenance information" on page 118.Initial screen


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  • 1 .
    SECTION 1BASIC FUNCTIONS21BASIC FUNCTIONSBasic information before operationInitial screen 22Touch screen operation 23Inputting letters and numbers/List screen operation 24Function help 27Map screen operation 28Current position display 28 . . . . . . . ....
  • 2 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS22When the...
    BASIC FUNCTIONS22When the "ENGINE START STOP" switchis in ACCESSORY or IGNITION ONmode, the initial screen will be displayedand the system will begin operating.CAUTIONWhen the vehicle is stopped with theengine running, always apply theparking brake for saf...
  • 3 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS23Memo inf...
    BASIC FUNCTIONS23Memo informationThis system notifies about a memo entry.At the specified date, the memo informa-tion will be displayed when the navigationsystem is in operation. The memo informa-tion screen will be displayed every time thesystem is turned...
  • 4 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS24When sea...
    BASIC FUNCTIONS24When searching for an address or a name,or entering a memo, letters and numberscan be input via the touch screen.INFORMATIONKeyboard layout can be changed.(See page 108.) To input lettersTo display the alphabet keys, touch "A-Z"or " ".En...
  • 5 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS25To input...
    BASIC FUNCTIONS25To input numbers and symbolsTo display the number keys and symbolkeys, touch "0-9".Enter numbers and symbols by touchingthe number keys and symbol keys directly.:Touching this button erasesone letter. By holding thisbutton, letters will c...
  • 6 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS26List scr...
    BASIC FUNCTIONS26List screen operationWhen a list is displayed, use the appropri-ate button to scroll through the list.To shift to the next or previouspage.To scroll up or down one item at atime.This expresses a displayedscreen position.If appears ...
  • 7 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS27TYPE B"Dist. Sort": To sort in the order of dis-tance from the current vehicle location.The distance from current vehicle positionup to the destination is displayed to theright of the name."Name Sort": To sort in alphabetical orderby name....
  • 8 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS28When sta...
    BASIC FUNCTIONS28When starting the navigation system, thecurrent position is displayed first.This screen displays the current vehicleposition and a map of the surrounding localarea.The current vehicle position mark (1) ap-pears in the center or bottom cen...
  • 9 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS29To set t...
    BASIC FUNCTIONS29To set the cursor position as a des-tinationA specific point on the map can be set asa destination using the one-touch scrollfunction.Touch "Enter ".The screen changes and displays the maplocation of the selected destination and theroute ...
  • 10 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS30To see i...
    BASIC FUNCTIONS30To see information about the iconwhere the cursor is setTo display information about an icon, setthe cursor on it.POI INFORMATIONWhen the cursor is set on a POI icon, thename and "Info." are displayed on the topof the screen.Touch "Info."....
  • 11 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS31MEMORY POINT INFORMATIONWhen the cursor is set on a memory pointicon, the name and "Info." are displayedon the top of the screen.Touch "Info.".Information such as the name, address,and phone number are displayed.If "Enter " is touched, th...
  • 12 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS32Any one ...
    BASIC FUNCTIONS32Any one of the screen configurations canbe selected .1. Touch this button to display the fol-lowing screen.2. To select the desired screen config-uration, touch one of the following but-tons.Depending on the conditions, certainscreen confi...
  • 13 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS33Screen c...
    BASIC FUNCTIONS33Screen configurationsSINGLE MAPThis is a regular map screen.While on a different screen, touching will display the single map screen.The screen shows the single map.DUAL MAPA map can be displayed split in two. While on a different scr een,...
  • 14 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS34COMPASS MODECurrent vehicle position is indicated with acompass, not with a map.While on a different scr een, touching will display the compass mode screen.Information about the destination and cur-rent position, as well as a compass, is ...
  • 15 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS35For the ...
    BASIC FUNCTIONS35For the area which is covered by the footprint map (Some areas in the following cit-ies: Detroit, Chicago, N.Y., L.A), you canswitch to the foot print map on a scale of 75feet (25 m). To switch to the foot print map changes into when th...
  • 16 .
    BASIC FUNCTIONS36Details ...
    BASIC FUNCTIONS36Details of POIs in some buildings may bedisplayed.For detailed POI information, touch thebuilding name. You can see details of theselected POIs.North-up screenHeading-up screenThe orientation of the map can be changedfrom North-up to Head...