
ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全35ページ 0.83MB]

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IntroductionMAINTENANCE ANDLEXUSWARRANTYCOVERAGE39Maintaining your vehicle according to the recommen-dations in this booklet is required to ensure that yourwarranty coverage remains intact. You should keepdetailed records of vehicle maintenance, includingdate of service, mileage at time of service and adescription of service and/or parts installation per-formed. The maintenance logs in this booklet are agood place to record this information. If you sell yourvehicle, be sure to give your maintenance records tothe new owner.Lexus will not deny a warranty claim solely becauseyou do not have records to show that you maintainedyour vehicle. However, damage or failures caused bylack of proper maintenance are not covered underwarranty.Maintenance and repair services may be performed byyou or by any automotive service provider you choose.Lexus will not deny a warranty claim solely becauseyou used a service provider other than a Lexus dealer-ship for maintenance and repairs. However, damageor failures caused by improper maintenance or repairsare not covered under warranty.Your dealer may recommend more frequent mainte-nance intervals or more maintenance services thanthose listed in the scheduled maintenance log. Theseadditional services are not required to maintain yourwarranty coverage. Ask your dealer for an explanationof any recommended maintenance not included in thescheduled maintenance log.For a complete description of Lexus warrantycoverages, see pages 16-33 of this booklet.


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  • 1 .
    IntroductionTHEIMPORTANCE OFSCHEDULEDMAINTENANCE38Regular maintenance is essential to obtaining the highest level of performance, safety and reliabilityfrom your Lexus. It can also enhance your vehicle'sresale value. This section of the Owner's ManualSupp...
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    IntroductionMAINTENANCE A...
    IntroductionMAINTENANCE ANDLEXUSWARRANTYCOVERAGE39Maintaining your vehicle according to the recommen-dations in this booklet is required to ensure that yourwarranty coverage remains intact. You should keepdetailed records of vehicle maintenance, includingd...
  • 3 .
    IntroductionTo ensure tha...
    IntroductionTo ensure that your vehicle receives first-quality ser-vice and factory-authorized parts, Lexus recommendshaving maintenance performed by an authorizedLexus dealership. To locate your nearest authorizedLexus dealership, contact Lexus Customer S...
  • 4 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log41GENERALMAINTENANCEIn addition to scheduled maintenance, your Lexusrequires ongoing general maintenance such as fluidchecks and visual inspections. The recommended guide-lines for inspections are listed below. Please refer to the"...
  • 5 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log42SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOGDetermining Your Maintenance Interval:Months vs. MileageLexus recommends obtaining scheduled maintenancefor your vehicle every six months or 5,000 miles,whichever occurs first. For example: If at six months...
  • 6 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log43SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOGComplimentary Lexus Personalized SettingsYour vehicle includes a variety of electronic featuresthat can be personalized to your preferences. Forexample, doors can be programmed to remain lockedwhen you shif...
  • 7 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log44SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG6 Months or 5,000 Miles*❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Re-torque axle shaft flange bolts (all models except ES)2❏ Rotate tires (all models except IS with different size front and rear tires)❏ Visuall...
  • 8 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log45SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Clean air conditioner filter (IS 250)❏ Inspect engine air filter2❏ Inspect nuts and bolts on chassis2❏ Re-torque axle shaft flange bolts (all models except ES)❏ Rotate ...
  • 9 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log46SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG24 Months or 20,000 Miles❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Measure thickness of front brake pads and rotors (GS 430, IS)❏ Replace air conditioner filter (GS 300, GS 430, IS 350, LS 430, SC)❏ Re-torque a...
  • 10 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log47SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Inspect nuts and bolts on chassis2❏ Measure brake pad thickness and rotor runout❏ Measure thickness of brake rotors (GS 430, IS)❏ Replace air conditioner filter ❏ Repla...
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log48SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG42 Months or 35,000 Miles❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Re-torque axle shaft flange bolts (all models except ES)2❏ Rotate tires (all models except IS with different size front and rear tires)❏ Visual...
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log49SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Clean air conditioner filter (IS 250)❏ Inspect engine air filter2❏ Inspect nuts and bolts on chassis2❏ Re-torque axle shaft flange bolts (all models except ES)❏ Rotate ...
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log50SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG60 Months or 50,000 Miles❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Measure thickness of front brake pads and rotors (GS 430, IS)❏ Replace air conditioner filter (GS 300, GS 430, IS 350, LS 430, SC)❏ Re-torque a...
  • 14 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log51SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Measure brake pad thickness and rotor runout❏ Measure thickness of brake rotors (GS 430, IS)❏ Replace brake fluid❏ Replace engine air filter❏ Replace spark plugs (GS 30
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log52SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG78 Months or 65,000 Miles❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Re-torque axle shaft flange bolts (all models except ES)2❏ Rotate tires (all models except IS with different size front and rear tires)❏ Visual...
  • 16 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log53SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Clean air conditioner filter (IS 250)❏ Inspect engine air filter2❏ Inspect nuts and bolts on chassis2❏ Re-torque axle shaft flange bolts (all models except ES)❏ Rotate ...
  • 17 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log54SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG96 Months or 80,000 Miles❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Measure thickness of front brake pads and rotors (GS 430, IS)❏ Replace air conditioner filter (GS 300, GS 430, IS 350, LS 430, SC)❏ Re-torque a...
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log55SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Inspect nuts and bolts on chassis2❏ Measure brake pad thickness and rotor runout❏ Measure thickness of brake rotors (GS 430, IS)❏ Replace air conditioner filter ❏ Repla...
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log56SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG114 Months or 95,000 Miles❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Re-torque axle shaft flange bolts (all models except ES)2❏ Rotate tires (all models except IS with different size front and rear tires)❏ Visua...
  • 20 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log57SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Clean air conditioner filter (IS 250)❏ Inspect engine air filter2❏ Inspect nuts and bolts on chassis2❏ Re-torque axle shaft flange bolts (all models except ES)❏ Rotate ...
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log58SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG132 Months or 110,000 Miles❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Measure thickness of front brake pads and rotors (GS 430, IS)❏ Replace air conditioner filter (GS 300, GS 430, IS 350, LS 430, SC)❏ Re-torque...
  • 22 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log59SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Measure brake pad thickness and rotor runout❏ Measure thickness of brake rotors (GS 430, IS)❏ Replace brake fluid❏ Replace engine air filter❏ Replace spark plugs6❏ Repl...
  • 23 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log60SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG150 Months or 125,000 Miles❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Re-torque axle shaft flange bolts (all models except ES)2❏ Rotate tires (all models except IS with different size front and rear tires)❏ Visu...
  • 24 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log61SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Clean air conditioner filter (IS 250)❏ Inspect engine air filter2❏ Inspect nuts and bolts on chassis2❏ Re-torque axle shaft flange bolts (all models except ES)❏ Rotate ...
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log62SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOG168 Months or 140,000 Miles❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Measure thickness of front brake pads and rotors (GS 430, IS)❏ Replace air conditioner filter (GS 300, GS 430, IS 350, LS 430, SC)❏ Re-torque...
  • 26 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log63❏ Replace engine oil and oil filter1❏ Inspect nuts and bolts on chassis2❏ Measure brake pad thickness and rotor runout❏ Measure thickness of brake rotors (GS, 430, IS)❏ Replace air conditioner filter ❏ Replace brake fluid❏ Replac...
  • 27 .
    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance Log64EXPLANATION OFMAINTENANCEITEMSThe following descriptions are provided to give you abetter understanding of the maintenance services thatshould be performed on your vehicle. The scheduledmaintenance log indicates at which time/mil...
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance LogEXPLANATION OFMAINTENANCEITEMS65Brake Fluid Replace using fluid type specified in your Owner'sManual . A qualified technician should perform thisoperation.Brake Lines and Hoses Visually inspect for proper installation. Check forch...
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance LogEXPLANATION OFMAINTENANCEITEMS66and organic acids). A qualified technician should per-form this operation.Note: Initial replacement is at 120 months/100,000miles. Replace every 60 months/50,000 miles there-after.Engine Oil and Oil ...
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance LogEXPLANATION OFMAINTENANCEITEMS67Rack and Pinion Assembly Inspect the rack and pinion assembly for signs of leak-age, damage and loose electrical connections. Tightenconnections and if you discover any leakage or dam-age, have it re...
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance LogEXPLANATION OFMAINTENANCEITEMS68Transmission FluidCheck for correct fluid level and inspect each trans-mission component for signs of leakage. If you dis-cover any leakage, have it repaired by a qualified technician immediately.Not...
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    xxScheduled Maintenance L...
    xxScheduled Maintenance LogVEHICLEIDENTIFICATION69Model _________________________________________________ Body style _____________________________________________In-service date __________________________________________ Mileage at delivery ______________...
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance LogNOTES70________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance LogNOTES71________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...
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    Scheduled Maintenance Log...
    Scheduled Maintenance LogNOTES72________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________...