ISの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全35ページ 0.83MB]
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Scheduled Maintenance Log42SCHEDULEDMAINTENANCELOGDetermining Your Maintenance Interval:Months vs. MileageLexus recommends obtaining scheduled maintenancefor your vehicle every six months or 5,000 miles,whichever occurs first. For example: If at six months you have driven less than 5,000miles, you should obtain maintenance at six months ;don't wait until 5,000 miles. If you drive 5,000 miles in less than six months, youshould obtain maintenance at 5,000 miles ; don't waituntil six months.Be sure to keep an eye on your mileage so that youobtain maintenance when recommended. If you are alow-mileage driver, mark your calendar to remind your-self to obtain maintenance every six months. Complimentary First Scheduled MaintenanceServiceLexus provides your first scheduled maintenance service at no charge. The service is performed at sixmonths or 5,000 miles, whichever occurs first, andincludes the service items listed on page 44. To obtainthis complimentary scheduled maintenance service,contact your Lexus dealership.
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