MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全19ページ 1.96MB]
gizport - 2013-09-04 - 1.96MB
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Assembly:1. Cut out body pattern. 2. F old together at feet. Connect A and B. 3. Add the iconic head of your choice from yourfa vorite magazines, tabloids and books.4. Secure to dash. 5. Motor. Ohmmmm.Fig. 11 Making Your Own Dashboard Figurines: The Icons of Good Motoring MojoCUSTOMIZ I NG YOUR MINI13TROUBLE GOOD MOJO MUSIC ROMANCE CUSTOMIZE STASH BASICS12CUSTOMIZ I NG YOUR MINI Motoring AccessoriesS wivel-hipped hula girls and bobbingdoggie heads are standard equipment inmany automobiles. But as a MINI owner,y ou may want to consider a few accessoryoptions more suited to your motor vehicle’spremium performance prowess.Fig. 10 The G-Force Chia Pet®: Tilt Chia Pet face down and grow as directed. Then display on dashboard facingfo rw ard for realistic pulling-Gs windblown effect.Chia Pet® is a registered trademark of Joseph Enterprises, Inc. and is used by permissionMINI 10535 UOM 7/16/02 11:49 AM Page 14
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