MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全19ページ 1.31MB]
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27TROUBLE GOOD MOJO M USIC ROMANCE CUSTOMIZE STASH BASICS26Jump StartsOpting NOT to exchange electrical chargeswith total strangers is up to the individualmotorer’s discretion. HOWEVER, random actsof kindness do continue the flow of positiveenergy. Which adds up to good motor mojofor you.Acknowledging Fellow MotorersDating back to MINI’s birth in the UK, thereexists a time-honored tradition of ownersgreeting each other when they pass on thestreets. The moment you first sat in your MINI,you became a member of the family. So, as iscustomary, try and refrain from acts of shyness,aloofness or woeful complacency. When youpass another MINI, say, “Hey.”ESSENTIALS OF GOOD MOTORING MOJOFig. 27 Connect red to red. Black to ground. Stranger to stranger.ESSENTIALS OF GOOD MOTORING MOJOThe Phantom SpotA MINI’s stealthy 143'' body lengthmakes it adaptable to tight spaces unthinkable for conventionalvehicles. It’s optimal for squeezinginto half-spots when parallel parking.However, faced with pull-in parkingscenarios, MINI owners should try tobe considerate of others. In shoppingmalls, avoid creating “phantomspots”— spaces that look availablefrom afar, but upon closer inspection,reveal a MINI nicely tucked awayinside. (See Fig. 28.) Instead, alignMINI’s rear bumper with the othercars in the row. (See Fig. 29.) It’s thegood motoring mojo thing to do.Besides, flaunting one’s small sizeby pulling all the way up just isn’tMINI style.Fig. 30 Line of good motoring mojo.Fig. 28 & 29 The dreaded Phantom Spot (left). And proper parking etiquette (right).
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