MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全176ページ 2.84MB]
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Transporting children safely36Transporting children safelyThe right place for childrenDo not leave children unattended in the vehicle; otherwise, they could endanger themselves and/or other persons by opening the doors, for example. <Children should always sit in the rearAccident research has sh own that the safest place for children is on the rear seat.Only transport children under the age of 13 or smaller than 5 ft/150 cm in the rear in a child restraint system suitable for their age, weight and size. Otherwise, there is an increased risk of injury in the event of an acci-dent.<Children 13 years of age or older must be buck-led in with a safety belt as soon as there no longer is any child restraint system that is appro-priate for their age, size and weight.Exception for front passenger seatFront passenger airbagsShould it be necessary to use a child restraint system on the front passenger seat, the front and side airbags must be deacti-vated. Otherwise, there is an increased risk of injury to the child if th e airbags deploy, even if the child is seated in a child restraint system. <For more information on automatic deactivation of the front passenger airbags, refer to page 65.Child restraint systems, installationBefore installing a child restraint system on the rear seats, move the seat as far back as possible.After the child restr aint system has been installed on the respective rear seat, move the backrest forward so that the it rests lightly against the child restraint system, refer to Rear seat backrests on page 88.Observe the child restraint system manu-facturer's instructio ns when selecting, installing and using child restraint systems. Oth-erwise, the protective effect may be dimin-ished.<On the front passenger seatAfter installing a chil d restraint system on the front passenger se at, make sure that the front, side, and knee airbags for the front passenger are deactivated; otherwise, there is an increased risk of injury if the airbags deploy. <Seat positionBefore installing a chil d restraint system, move the front passenger seat as far back and up* as possible to obtain the be st possible position for the belt. Do not change the seat position after this.Child seat securityAll rear safety belts and the safety belt for the front passenger can be prevented from being
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