MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全254ページ 4.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-05 - 4.62MB
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254page / 4.62MB
NAVIGATION Destination entry118Special destinationsYou can search for a special destination, e.g. a hotel or place of interest, and start route guid-ance to the corresponding location.The scope of information provided depends on the particular set of naviga-tion data you are using.<Accessing search for special destinations1. "Navigation"2. Select "Points of Interest" search.A-Z search1. "A-Z search"2. "Town/City"3. "Category"4. "Category details"For some special destinations, it is possible to select several catego ry details. Move the MINI joystick to the left to exit category details.5. "Keyword"6. Enter keyword.A list of the special destinations is displayed.7. Select the special destination.8. Select the symbol.9. "Start guidance" or "Add as another destina-tion".If several details are stored, then you can scroll through the pages.If a phone number is available, a connection can be established, if desired.Category search1. "Category search"2. "Search destination"3. Select or enter town/city.4. "Category"5. Select category.6. "Category details"For some special destinations, it is possible to select several category details. Move the MINI joystick to the left to exit category details.7. "Start search"A list of the special destinations is displayed.8. Select the special destination.Details are displayed.9. Select the symbol.10. "Start guidance" or "Add as another destina-tion".If several details are stored, then you can scroll through the pages. If a phone number is avail-able, a connection can be established, if desired.Special destination locationAs you input the search destination, you can select from among various options.>"At current location">"At destination">"At different location">With active route guidance: "Along route"Starting the search for special destinations1. "Start search"2. A list of the special destinations is displayed.>"At current location"The special destinations are displayed in order of their distance and are displayed with a direction arrow pointing toward the destination.
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