MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全254ページ 4.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-05 - 4.62MB
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254page / 4.62MB
Controls overview CONTROLS 65Setting time zone1. "Settings"2. "Time/Date"3. "Time zone:"4. Turn MINI joystick until the desired time zone is set and press the MINI joystick.The time zone is stored.DateSetting date1. "Settings"2. "Time/Date"3. "Date:"4. Turn MINI joystick until the desired day is displayed and press the MINI joystick.5. Create the necessary settings for the month and year.The date is stored.Setting the date format1. "Settings"2. "Time/Date"3. "Format:"4. Select the desired format.The settings are stored for the remote control currently in use, refer also to Personal Profile on page 26 .Check ControlThe conceptThe Check Control monitors vehicle functions and alerts you to any malfunctions in the sys-tems monitored. Check Control messages involve indicator and warning lamps in the dis-play and, in some circumstances, an acoustic signal as well as text messages at the bottom of the Control Display.Indicator and warning lampsIndicator and warning lamps can light up in var-ious combinations and colors in the indicator areas 1 and 2 .Text messagesText messages at the uppe r edge of the Control Display explain the meaning of the displayed indicator and warning lamps.Supplemental text messagesFor most Check Control messages, you can view more information later, e.g. regarding the cause of a malfunction and how to respond, refer to page 66 .
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