MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全254ページ 4.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-05 - 4.62MB
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254page / 4.62MB
Controls overview CONTROLS 63More information on th e MINI Maintenance Sys-tem can be found on page206 .More informationDetailed information on service requirementsYou can have further information on the scope of maintenance displayed on the Control Dis-play, refer to page16 .1. "Vehicle Info"2. "Vehicle status"3. "Service required"Required maintenance procedures and legally mandated inspections are displayed.You can request more detailed information on every entry:Select an entry and press the MINI joystick.To exit from the menu:Move the MINI joystick to the left. A list of selected maintenance schedules and, if required, legally mandated inspections, is shown.SymbolsNo service is currently required.The deadline for service or a legally man-dated inspection is approaching. Please schedule a service appointment.The service deadline has already passed.Entering deadlines for legally required inspectionsMake sure the date on the Control Display is always set correctly, page 65 ; otherwise, the effectiveness of Condition Based Service CBS is not ensured.1. "Vehicle Info"2. "Vehicle status"3. "Service required"Brake fluidExit display 61Next setting or item of information 61Symbol Function
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