MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全254ページ 4.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-05 - 4.62MB
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254page / 4.62MB
NAVIGATION Route guidance126>Gray road sign: the obstruction does not relate to the planned route or direction of travel.Traffic information, refer to page 127 .Planned routeAfter route guidance is started, the planned route is displayed on the map.Status boxesShow/hide: Press the MINI joystick.>Upper status box: Time, phone details, and entertainment details.>Lower status box: Symbol for active route guidance, traffic inform ation status, arrival time, and distance from destination.ToolbarThe following functions ar e available directly in the map view:Changing map scale"Interactive map">Moving map: Move the MINI joystick in the corresponding direction.>Shifting map diagonally: Move the MINI joystick in the corresponding direction and turn the MINI joystick.Changing scale1. Select the symbol and press the MINI joy-stick.2. Changing scale: turn the MINI joystick.Automatic scaling of the mapIn the map view facing north, turn the MINI joystick in either direction until the scale AUTO is displayed. The map shows the entire path between the location and destination..Settings for the map displayThe settings are stored for the remote control currently in use.1. Open "Options".2. "Settings">"Day/night mode"Select and adjust depending on light conditions. If "Traffic conditions/gray map" is activated, then this setting is not taken into account.>"Traffic conditions/gray map"The map is optimized for displaying traf-fic bulletins. Symbols for the special des-tinations are no longer displayed.Displaying arrow view in map displayWhen route guidance is active, the arrow view can be displayed additionally on the right side of the map display.1. "Navigation"2. Open "Options".Symbol FunctionStarting/stopping route guidanceSwitching voice instruc-tions on/offChanging route criteria or selecting route alternativesSearching for special desti-nationDisplaying traffic bulletinsInteractive mapAdjusting map viewsor arrow displayChanging scale
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