MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全254ページ 4.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-05 - 4.62MB
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254page / 4.62MB
Hands-free device Bluetooth COMMUNICATIONS 165From hands-free system to mobile phoneCalls being conducted using the hands-free sys-tem can also be continued using the mobile phone if so desired, depending on the mobile phone.At this point, follow the instructions that appear on the display of the mobile phone, also refer to the Owner's Manual for the mobile phone.ContactsGeneral informationContacts can be created and edited. The addresses can be used as destinations for navi-gation.New contact1. "Contacts"2. "New contact"3. If input boxes are already filled with previous entries: "Delete input fields"4. To fill in the entry fields: Select the symbol next to the entry field.5. Input text, refer to page 20 .When equipped with a navigation system: Enter address. It is only possible to enter addresses that are contained in the naviga-tion data stored in the vehicle. This ensures that route guidance is possible for all addresses.6. "Store" if necessary7. "Store contact in vehicle"Defining a home addressIt is possible to store a ho me address. It is listed at the beginning of the contacts.1. "Home"2. Create a contact.3. "Store contact in vehicle"My contactsGeneral informationListing all contacts from the vehicle.Displaying contacts1. "Contacts"2. "My contacts"All contacts are listed in alphabetical order. Depending on the number of contacts, an A-Z search is offered.
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