MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全254ページ 4.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-05 - 4.62MB
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254page / 4.62MB
ContentsThe fastest way to find information on a particu-lar topic or item is by using the index, refer to page 240 . 4Notes6Reporting safety defectsAT A GLANCE 910 Cockpit16 Onboard computer20 Letters and numbers21 Voice activation systemCONTROLS 2526 Opening and closing37 Adjustments44 Transporting children safely48 Driving58 Controls overview69 Technology for drivin g comfort and safety81 Lamps85 Climate90 Practical interior accessoriesDRIVING TIPS 99100 Things to remember when drivingNAVIGATION 111112 Navigation system114 Destination entry123 Route guidance131 What to do ifチcENTERTAINMENT 133134 On/off and tone137 Radio144 CD player146 External devicesCOMMUNICATIONS 157158 Hands-free device Bluetooth167 Mobile phone preparation Bluetooth180 Office188 MINI ConnectedMOBILITY 191192 Refueling194 Wheels and tires202 Engine compartment206 Maintenance208 Care212 Replacing components222 Giving and receiving assistanceREFERENCE 227228 Technical data232 Short commands for the voice activation system240 Everything from A to Z
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