MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全254ページ 4.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-05 - 4.62MB
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254page / 4.62MB
External devices ENTERTAINMENT 1495. Select additional categories if desired.Not all categories need to be selected. For example, if all of the tracks by a certain artist are to be displayed, call up that artist only. All of the tracks by that artist are then dis-played.6. "Play"Restarting a track search"New search"Playback listsTo open playback lists.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "External devices"3. Select the or symbol.4. "Playlists"Current playbackList of tracks currently being played.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "External devices"3. Select the or symbol.4. "Current playback"Random play sequenceThe current list of tracks is played in random sequence.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "External devices"3. Open "Options".4. "Random"Fast forward/reverseButtons on the steering wheel or CD player:Press and hold the button for the corre-sponding direction.Video playbackThe video image on the onboard computer is displayed when the vehicle is standing still; in some countries only when the hand brake is engaged or if the tran smission is set on P.For video playback, connec t the Apple device to the USB audio interface using the video-enabled adapter cable.1. "CD/Multimedia"2. "External devices"3. Select the symbol and press the MINI joy-stick.4. "Video"5. Select the desired file.Select category in file directory, if applicable.6. Press the MINI joystick.The playback of the selected video file is started.
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