MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全254ページ 4.62MB]
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COMMUNICATIONS Office182Checking the address as a destinationAn address that is to be used in route guidance must correspond to the navigation data stored in the vehicle. The address can be checked to ensure this.1. Select the desired contact and highlight the address.2. Open "Options".3. "Check as destination"4. Correct and store the a ddress, if necessary.If the address is corrected and stored, a copy of it is stored in the vehi cle. The address is not changed on the mobile phone.New contactA contact can be associated with up to 8 phone numbers, 2 addresses, 3 e-mail addresses, and one Internet address.1. "Office"2. "Contacts"3. Open "Options".4. "New contact"5. If input boxes are already filled with previous entries: "Delete input fields"6. To fill in the entry fields: Select the symbol next to the entry field.7. Enter text and assign a contact type, refer to page182 .8. When equipped with a navigation system: Enter address. It is only possible to enter addresses that are cont ained in the naviga-tion data stored in the vehicle. This ensures that route guidance is possible for all addresses.9. "Accept address" if necessary10. "Store contact in vehicle"Contact typesPhone numbers and addresses can be assigned various contact types.Defining a home addressIt is possible to store a home address. It is listed at the beginning of the contacts.1. "Home"2. Create a contact.3. "Store contact in vehicle"Selecting name sortingNames can be displayed in different orders.1. "Office"2. "Contacts"3. Open "Options".4. "Display: last, first name" or "Display: first, last name"Depending on how the contacts were stored in the mobile phone, the sorting of names can dif-fer from the sorting selected.Symbol MeaningPrivate phone numberBusiness phone numberMobile phone numberOther phone numberPrivate addressBusiness address
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