MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全254ページ 4.62MB]
gizport - 2013-09-05 - 4.62MB
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254page / 4.62MB
MOBILITY Engine compartment204The oil quantity corresponding to the difference between the two marks on the dipstick is 1USquart/1liter.Do not fill beyond the upper mark on the dipstick. Excess oil will damage the engine.<Adding engine oilDo not add the maximum quantity of 1 US quart/1 liter of engine oil until the oil level has dropped to just above the lower mark on the dipstick, page203 .Add oil within the next 30 miles/50 km; otherwise, the engine could be dam-aged. <If too much motor oil is added, immedi-ately have the vehicle checked; otherwise, damage to the engine may result.<Keep oils, grease, etc. out of the reach of children and comply with the warnings on the containers. Otherwise, health hazards may result. <Oil types for refillingNotesDo not use oil additives as this could result in engine damage.<When choosing oil, ensure that it belongs to one of the SAE viscosity classes 0W-40, 0W-30, 5W-40 and 5W-30; otherwise, malfunc-tions and damage to the engine may result. <The engine oil quality is critical for the life of the engine.Some types of oil may not be available in every country.Approved oil typesAdditional information on approved types of oil can be found at a MINI dealer.Alternative oil typesIf the approved engine oils are not available, up to 1 US quart/1 liter of another oil with the fol-lowing specification may be used:Oil changeOnly MINI dealers are to perform oil changes.Gasoline enginesBMW High Performance SAE 5W-30BMW Longlife-01BMW Longlife-01 FEGasoline enginesAPI SM or higher specifications
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