MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全267ページ 2.77MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 2.77MB
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Practical interior accessories CONTROLS 915.As soon as the LED flashes rapidly, release both buttons. The quick flashing indicates that the button on the rearview mirror has been programmed.If the LED does not flash rapidly after approx. 60 seconds, alter the distance between the rearview mirror and hand-held transmitter and repeat this step. Several attempts at different distances may be nec-essary. Wait at least 15 seconds before each attempt.Canada: if the progra mming was interrupted by the hand-held transmitter, press and hold the memory button and press the button on the hand-held transmitter for 2 seconds and release several times.6.To program other functions on other but-tons, repeat steps 3 to 5.You can operate the system with the engine running or with the ignition switched on.Special features of hopping-code transmitter systemsIf the device cannot be operated after being programmed repeatedly, then check if the device to be operated is equipped with a hop-ping-code system. In a ddition, check in the operating instructions for the device or press the programmed button on the rearview mirror for a longer period of time. If the LED on the rearview mirror first flashes quickly and then is on for 2 seconds, then the device is equipped with a hopping-code system. The flashing and the LED being on repeats itself for approx. 20 seconds.In addition, for devices with hopping-code sys-tems, the integrated universal remote control and the device must be synchronized.Information about synchronizing can be found in the operating instructions for the device to be set.Programming will be easier with the aid of a sec-ond person.Synchronizing:1.Park your vehicle within the range of the remote-controlled device.Do not exceed the 164 ft/50 m range of the remote-controlled device.2.Program the particular button on the rear-view mirrors as described.3.Find and press the button for synchronizing the device to be set. There remain approx. 30 seconds for the next step.4.Press and hold the programmed button on the rearview mirror for approx. 3 seconds and then release. Repe at this step, possibly up to three times, to complete the synchro-nization. After the sy nchronization is com-pleted, the programmed function is imple-mented.To reprogram individual buttons1.Switch on ignition.2.Press and hold the button to be pro-grammed on the rearview mirror.3.As soon as the LED on the rearview mirror starts flashing slowly, hold the hand-held transmitter of the devi ce to be operated approx. 1in/2.5cm to 3in/8cm from the buttons on the rearview mirror. The required distance depends on the hand-held trans-mitter.4.Press and also hold the button with the desired function on the hand-held transmit-ter.5.As soon as the LED on the rearview mirror starts blinking faster, release both buttons. The quick flashing indicates that the button on the rearview mirror has been pro-grammed. The device can now be operated using the button on the rearview mirror.Canada: if the LED is not flashing rapidly after 60 seconds, chan ge the distance and repeat the step or, if the programming was interrupted by the hand-held transmitter, press and hold the memory button and
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