MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全267ページ 2.77MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 2.77MB
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267page / 2.77MB
Practical interior accessories CONTROLS 97Connecting electrical appliancesIn your MINI, when the engine is running or if the ignition is switched on, you can use electrical devices such as flashlight s, car vacuum cleaners, etc., up to approx. 140 watts at 12 volts, as long as one of the following sockets is available. Avoid damaging the sockets by attempting to insert plugs of unsui table shape or size.Do not connect battery chargers to the sockets installed in the vehicle at the fac-tory; otherwise you may cause damage to the vehicle.<Place the cigarette lighter or charger socket cover back in position after use; otherwise, items that fall into the cigarette lighter socket or char ger socket can cause a short circuit.<Cigarette lighter socketRemove the lighter or cover from the socket.Power socket in cargo areaBy way of example, the illustration shows the cargo area in the MINI.Pull out the cover.
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