MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全267ページ 2.77MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 2.77MB
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267page / 2.77MB
CONTROLS Opening and closing281."Settings"2."Door locks"3."Unlock button"4.Select a menu item:>"All doors"Press the button once to unlock the entire vehicle.>"Driver's door only"Press the button on ce to unlock only the driver's door and the fuel filler flap. Press the button twice to unlock the entire vehicle.Convenient openingPress and hold the button. The power windows are opened and the glass roof is tilted.Convenient closing using the remote con-trol is not possible. <LockingPress the button.Do not lock the vehicle from the outside if there is any person inside, because the vehicle cannot be unlocked from inside without special knowledge. <Setting confirmation signalsTo have the vehicle confirm when it has been locked or unlocked.1."Settings"2."Door locks"3."Flash when lock/unlock"4.Press the MINI joystick.Switching on interior lampsWhile the car is locked:Press the button. You can also use this function to locate your vehicle in parking garages, etc.Unlocking the tailgate/Split Rear Barn DoorsPress the button for approx. 1 second and then release it.When they are opened, the tailgate/Split Rear Barn Doors swing upward and out-ward to the rear. Make sure that adequate clear-ance is available before opening.To prevent accidentally locking yourself out, do not place the key down in the cargo area. If the tailgate/Split Rear Barn Doors were locked before opening, they will be locked again after it is closed.Before and after each tr ip, check that the tail-gate/Split Rear Barn Do ors have not been inad-vertently unlocked. <
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