MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全267ページ 2.77MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 2.77MB
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267page / 2.77MB
Destination entry NAVIGATION 113To enter spaces, if necessary:Select the symbol.4.If necessary, move the MINI joystick to the right and change to the list of towns and cit-ies and select a name.Entering the postal code1.Select "Town/City/Postal Code" or displayed city.2.Select the symbol.3.Select the digits individually.4.Change to the list of postal codes and towns/cities.5.Highlight the postal code.6.Select the zip code.The corresponding dest ination is displayed.Entering street and intersection1.Select "Street" or displayed street.2.Enter the street and intersection the same way you entered the town/city.If there are several streets with the same name:1.Move the MINI joystick to the right to change to the list of street names.2.Highlight street.3.Select the street.Alternative: entering street and house number1.Select "Street" or displayed street.2.Enter the street the same way you entered the town/city.3."House number"4.Select the digits.5.Change to the list of house numbers.6.Select a house number or range of house numbers.Entering a street without a destination town/cityIt is also possible to enter a street without enter-ing a destination town/city. In this case all streets of the entered country are offered for selection. The related town/city is displayed after the street name.If a town/city has already been entered, this entry can be canceled. Th is may be practical if the desired street does not exist in the entered destination, because, for example, it belongs to another part of the town/city.1."Navigation"2."Enter address"3.Select "Street" or displayed street.4.Change to the list of street names.5.Select "In" with the currently displayed country.6.Select the letters.7.Change to the list of street names.8.Highlight street.9.Select the street.Starting route guidance after entering the destination1."Accept destination"2."Start guidance" or "Add as another destina-tion".
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