MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全267ページ 2.77MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 2.77MB
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REFERENCE Everything from A to Z260PPaintwork, care214Park Distance Control PDC 68Parking- vehicle48Parking aid, refer to Park Distance Control PDC 68Parking brake49- indicator lamp13Parking lamps, replacing bulb220Parking lamps/low beams 81Parts and accessories, see Vehicle equipment 4Pathway lighting82Personal Profile26Phone numbers- dialing160,172Pinch protection system- windows37Plastic parts, care216Pollen- refer to Microfilter/activated-charcoal filter for automatic climate control89- refer to Microfilter for air conditioner87Power failure230Power windows36Power windows, refer to Windows36Pressure, tires195Pressure monitoring, tires71- Flat Tire Monitor 71Pressure monitoring of tires, refer to Tire Pressure Monitor TPM74Protective function, refer to Pinch protection system- windows37Puncture- Flat Tire Monitor 71RRadio- controls132- HD Radio136- satellite radio137- select waveband 135- storing stations136- tone control133- volume133Radio key, refer to Integrated key/remote control 26Radio position, refer to Radio readiness47Radio readiness47- switched off48- switched on47Rain sensor53Random play sequence- external devices 148Range, refer to Cruising range58Reading aloud185Reading lamps84Rear door, refer to Club Door30Rear doors, refer to Split Rear Barn Doors31Rear double doors, refer to Split Rear Barn Doors 31Rear fog lamp83- indicator lamp13- replacing bulb223Rear lamps- bulb replacement 222,223Rear lamps, refer to Tail lamps222Rear seat backrest, folding103Rear seats- folding down the backrests103Rearview mirror- compass92Rearview mirror, refer to Mirrors42Rear window defroster 87,89Reception- quality136- radio station136Recirculated-air mode 86,88Recirculation of air, refer to Recirculated-air mode86,88Reclining seat, refer to Backrest39Refueling192Rejecting a call160,172Releasing- hood208Reminders184Remote control26- battery renewal35- Comfort Access33- garage door opener 90- malfunctions29,35- service data211- Split Rear Barn Doors 28Replacement remote control26Replacing bulbs, refer to Lamps and bulbs219Replacing tires, refer to New wheels and tires205Reporting safety defects 7Reserve warning, refer to Fuel gauge57Reservoir for washer systems55Reset, refer to Resetting tone settings134Restraint systems- for children44- refer to Safety belts 41Reverse- CD player144Reverse gear- automatic transmission with Steptronic50- manual transmission 49Road map123Roadside Assistance 231Roadside parking lamps 83- replacing bulb220
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