MINIの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全267ページ 2.77MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 2.77MB
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267page / 2.77MB
REFERENCE Everything from A to Z262Side windows, refer to Windows36Signal horn, refer to Horn 10Sitting safely38- airbags38- safety belts38- with head restraint 38Size, refer to Dimensions 239Sliding/tilt sunroof- refer to Glass roof, electric 35Slot for remote control 47Smokers' package, refer to Ashtray96Snap-in adapter- inserting/removing 177- use166Snap-in adapter, refer to Center armrest storage compartment95Snow chains206Socket, refer to Connecting electrical appliances 97Socket for On-Board Diagnosis OBD212Software update153Space-saver spare tire- changing tires227- inflation pressure 195Spare wheel, refer to Space-saver spare tire227Speaking, refer to Voice instructions from navigation system125Special destinations 116Special oils, refer to Approved engine oils209Speed238- with winter tires 206Speed limit65- setting65Speed limit warning, refer to Speed limit65Speedo, refer to Speedometer12Speedometer12Speed volume133Split Rear Barn Doors 31- opening/closing31- opening from outside 31- unlocking with remote control28Split rear seat backrest, refer to Expanding the cargo area103Sport button71Stability control, refer to Driving stability control systems69Start/Stop button47- starting the engine 48- switching off the engine 48Starting, refer to Starting the engine48Starting assistance, refer to Jump-starting232Starting route guidance 121Starting the engine 48- Start/Stop button 47Start-off assistance, refer to- DSC69- Hill Assist71State/province, for navigation112Station, selecting- radio135Status information on the Control Display19Status of this Owner's Manual at time of printing 4Steering wheel43- adjustment43- buttons on steering wheel 11- lock47- shift paddles51Steptronic, refer to Automatic transmission with Steptronic49Storage area- cargo area102Storage compartment, front passenger side95Storage compartments 95Storage space- storage compartments 95Storing a destination in the address book114Storing the vehicle 216Storing tires206Stowage, refer to Storage compartments95Summer tires, refer to Wheels and tires195SW, waveband135Switches, refer to Cockpit 10Switching off- engine48Switching off the engine 48- Start/Stop button 47Switching on- audio132- CD player132- radio132Switching radio on/off 132Switching the cooling function on and off89Symbols4- status information 19TTachometer57Tailgate31- Comfort Access34Tailgate, refer to Split Rear Barn Doors28Tail lamp, refer to Tail lamps222- replacing bulb222Tail lamps222Tank volume, refer to Capacities244Target cursor for navigation118Tasks184Technical data238Technical modifications 4
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