V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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Introduction Important information9Laser sensorThis vehicle is equipped with a sensor whichtransmits laser light. It is absolutely essential tofollow the prescribed instructions when han-dling the laser sensor.The following two labels in English are fitteddirectly on the laser sensor unit:The upper label in the figure describes the laserbeam's classification:•Laser radiation - Do not look into the laserbeam with optical instruments - Class 1Mlaser product.The lower label in the figure describes the laserbeam's physical data:•IEC 60825-1:1993 + A2:2001. Complieswith FDA (U.S. Food Administration) stand-ards for laser product design with theexception of deviations in accordance with"Laser Notice No. 50" from 26 July 2001.Radiation data for the laser sensorThe following table specifies the laser sensor'sphysical data.Maximum pulse energy2.64 ÂJMaximum average output 45 mWPulse duration 33 nsDivergence (horizontal x verti-cal)28° × 12°WARNINGIf any of these instructions are not followedthen there is a risk of eye injury!•Never look into the laser sensor (whichemits spreading invisible laser radiation)at a distance of 100 mm or closer withmagnifying optics such as a magnifyingglass, microscope, lens or similar opti-cal instruments.•Testing, repair, removal, adjustmentand/or replacement of the laser sen-sor's spare parts must only be carriedout by a qualified workshop - we rec-ommend an authorised Volvo work-shop.•To avoid exposure to harmful radiation,do not carry out any readjustments ormaintenance other than those specifiedhere.•The repairer must follow speciallydrawn up workshop information for thelaser sensor.•Do not remove the laser sensor (thisincludes removing the lenses). Aremoved laser sensor does not fulfillaser class 3B as per standard IEC60825-1. Laser class 3B is not eye-safeand therefore entails a risk of injury.
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