V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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IntroductionImportant information 6* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Reading the Owner's ManualIntroductionA good way of getting to know your new car isto read the owner's manual, ideally before yourfirst journey. This will give you the opportunityto familiarise yourself with new functions, tosee how best to handle the car in different sit-uations, and to make the best use of all thecar's features. Please pay attention to thesafety instructions contained in the manual.The specifications, design features and illus-trations in this owner's manual are not binding.We reserve the right to make modificationswithout prior notice.© Volvo Car CorporationOptionAll types of option/accessory are marked withan asterisk*.In addition to standard equipment, this manualalso describes options (factory fitted equip-ment) and certain accessories (retrofitted extraequipment).The equipment described in the owner's man-ual is not available in all cars - they have dif-ferent equipment depending on adaptationsfor the needs of different markets and nationalor local laws and regulations.In the event of uncertainty over what is stand-ard or an option/accessory, contact a Volvodealer.Special textsWARNINGWarning texts advise of a risk of personalinjury.IMPORTANTImportant texts advise of a risk of materialdamage.NOTENOTE texts give advice or tips that facilitatethe use of features and functions for exam-ple.FootnoteThere is footnote information in the owner'smanual that is located at the bottom of thepage. This information is an addition to the textthat it refers to via a number. If the footnoterefers to text in a table then letters are usedinstead of numbers for referral.Message textsThere are displays in the car that show textmessages. These text messages are high-lighted in the owner's manual by means of thetext being slightly larger and printed in grey.Examples of this are in menu texts and mes-sage texts on the information display (e.g.Audio settings ).DecalsThe car contains different types of decal whichare designed to convey important informationin a simple and clear manner. The decals in thecar have the following descending degree ofimportance for the warning/information.Warning for personal injuryG031590Black ISO symbols on yellow warning field,white text/image on black message field. Usedto indicate the presence of danger which, if the
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