V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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02 Locks and alarm Alarm*02* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.65Deactivating a triggered alarm–Press the remote control key unlock buttonor insert the remote control key in the igni-tion switch.Other alarm functionsAutomatic re-arming of the alarmThis function prevents the car being left withthe alarm disarmed unintentionally.If the car is unlocked with the remote controlkey (and the alarm is disarmed) but none of thedoors or the tailgate is opened within 2minutes, then the alarm is automatically re-armed. The car is relocked at the same time.Remote control key not workingIf the alarm cannot be deactivated with theremote control key, e.g. if the key's battery isdischarged - the car can be unlocked, dis-armed and the engine started as follows:1. Open the driver's door with the detachablekey blade - see page 56.> The alarm is triggered, the alarm indica-tor flashes rapidly and the siren sounds.2. Insert the remote control key in the ignitionswitch.> The alarm is deactivated and the alarmindicator goes out.3. Start the engine.Alarm signalsWhen the alarm is triggered, the following hap-pens:•A siren sounds for 30 seconds or until thealarm is switched off. The siren has its ownbattery and works independently of the carbattery.•The direction indicators flash for 5 minutesor until the alarm is switched off.Reduced alarm levelTo avoid accidental triggering of the alarm -e.g. if a dog is left in a locked car or duringtransport on a car train or car ferry - temporarilydeactivate the movement and tilt detectors.The procedure is the same as with the tempo-rary disengaging of deadlocks, see page 61.
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