V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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02 Locks and alarmRemote control key/key blade 0250* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.NOTE If no indicator lamps illuminate whenthe information button is used within rangethen this may be because the last commu-nication between the PCC and the car wasdisrupted by surrounding radio waves,buildings, topographical conditions etc.Detachable key bladeA remote control key contains a detachablekey blade of metal with which some functionscan be activated and some operations carriedout.The key blade's unique code is provided byauthorised Volvo workshops, which are rec-ommended when ordering new key blades.Key blade functionsUsing the remote control key's detachable keyblade:•the driver's door can be opened manuallyif central locking cannot be activated withthe remote control key, see page 56.•the rear doors' mechanical child safetylocks can be activated/deactivated, seepage 63.•access to the glovebox and cargo area(privacy locking*) can be blocked, seepage 51.•the airbag for front passenger seat(PACOS)* can be activated/deactivated,see page 22.Removing the key bladeSlide the spring-loaded catch to the side.At the same time pull the key blade straightout backwards.Attaching the key bladeCarefully refit the key blade into its location inthe remote control key.1. Hold the remote control key with the slotpointed up and lower the key blade into itsslot.2. Lightly press the key blade. You shouldhear a "click" when the key blade is lockedin.Unlocking doors with the key bladeIf central locking cannot be activated with theremote control key - e.g. if the batteries aredischarged - then the driver's door can beopened as follows:1. Unlock the driver's door with the key bladein the door handle's lock cylinder.See also the illustration and further infor-mation see page 56.NOTEWhen the door has been unlocked using thekey blade and is opened, the alarm is trig-gered.2. Deactivate the alarm by inserting theremote control key in the ignition switch.For a car with the Keyless system, seepage 56.
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