V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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03 Your driving environmentAlcolock* 03112* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.To bear in mindBefore the breath testIn order to obtain correct function and as accu-rate a measurement result as possible:•Avoid eating or drinking approx.5 minutes before the breath test.•Avoid excess windscreen washing - thealcohol in the washer fluid may result in anincorrect measurement result.Change of driverIn order to ensure that a new breath test is car-ried out in the event of a change of driver -depress the switch (2) and the send button (3)simultaneously for approx. 3 seconds. Atwhich point the car returns to start inhibitionmode and a new approved breath test isrequired before starting the engine.Calibration and serviceThe Alcolock must be checked and calibratedat a workshop2 every 12 months.30 days before recalibration is necessary thedisplay shows Alcoguard Calibr. required . Ifcalibration is not carried out within these 30days then normal engine starting will beblocked - only starting with the Bypass func-tion will then be possible, see page 112 sec-tion Emergency situation.The message can be cleared by pressing thesend button (3) once. Otherwise it goes out onits own after approx. 2 minutes but then reap-pears each time the engine is started - onlyrecalibration at a workshop2 can clear the mes-sage permanently.Cold or hot weatherThe colder the weather the longer it takesbefore the Alcolock is ready for use:Temperature (ºC) Maximum heat-ing time (sec-onds)+10 to +85 10-5 to +10 60-40 to -5 180At temperatures below -20 ºC or above+60 ºC the Alcolock requires additional powersupply. The display shows Alcoguard insertpower cable. In which case, connect thepower supply cable from the glovebox and waituntil indicator lamp (6) is green.In extremely cold weather the heating time canbe reduced by taking the Alcolock indoors.Emergency situationIn the event of an emergency situation or theAlcolock is out of order, it is possible to bypassthe Alcolock in order to drive the car.NOTEAll Bypass activation is logged and saved inmemory, see page 8 in the section, Record-ing data.After the Bypass function has been activatedthe display shows Alcoguard Bypassenabled the whole time while driving and canonly be reset by a workshop2.The Bypass function can be tested without theerror message being logged - in which case,carry out all the steps without starting the car.The error message is cleared when the car islocked.When the Alcolock is installed, either theBypass or Emergency function is selected asthe bypassing option. This setting can bechanged afterwards at a workshop2.2An authorised Volvo workshop is recommended.
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