V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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03 Your driving environment Starting the engine – Flexifuel03* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.119General information about startingwith FlexifuelThe engine is started in the same way as in apetrol-engined car.In the event of starting difficultiesIf the engine does not start at the first startattempt:•Make further attempts to start with theSTART/STOP ENGINE button.If the engine still does not startThe outside temperature is lower than +5 °C:1. Connect the engine block heater for atleast 1 hour.2. Make further attempts to start with theSTART/STOP ENGINE button.IMPORTANTIf the engine does not start despite repeatedstart attempts, you are recommended tocontact an authorised Volvo workshop.Engine block heater*Electrical input to the engine block heater.When the temperature is expected to be lowerthan –10 °C and the car has been refuelled withbioethanol E85, an engine block heater shouldbe used for about 2 hours to facilitate the quickstarting of the engine.The lower the temperature, the longer the timerequired with the engine block heater. At-20 °C the heater should be used for approx. 3hours.Cars intended for E85 have an electric engineblock heater*. Starting and driving with a pre-heated engine involves significantly loweremissions and reduced fuel consumption. Forthis reason you should aim to use the engineblock heater throughout the winter months.WARNINGThe engine block heater is powered by highvoltage. Fault tracing and repair of an elec-tric engine block heater and its electricalconnections must only be carried out by aworkshop - an authorised Volvo workshopis recommended.NOTEPoints to remember for carrying reservefuel:•In the event of stalling due to an emptyfuel tank, bioethanol E85 from a reservefuel can may make the engine difficultto start in extreme cold. This is avoidedby filling the reserve fuel can with 95octane petrol.For more information on Flexifuel's bioethanolE 85 fuel, see page 301 and 396.
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