V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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03 Your driving environment DRIVe Start/Stop*03* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.129tem's fan speed or extremely high volume onthe audio system.Auto-stopping the engineThe following is required for the engine to auto-stop:ConditionsM/AADeclutch, set the gear lever inneutral position and release theclutch pedal - the engine isswitched off.MStop the car with the foot brakeand then keep your foot on thepedal - the engine stops automat-ically.AAM = Manual gearbox, A = Automatic gearbox.The AUTO START symbol onthe information display illumi-nates as verification andreminder that the engine ishas stopped automatically.Auto-starting the engineConditionsM/AAWith the gear lever in neutral posi-tion: Depress the clutch pedal orpress the accelerator pedal - theengine starts. Engage a suitablegear and continue the journey.MThe following option is also avail-able on a downhill gradient:Release the foot brake and let thecar move off - the engine startsautomatically when the speedexceeds normal walking pace.MRelease the foot pressure on thefoot brake - the engine startsautomatically and the journey cancontinue.AAM = Manual gearbox, A = Automatic gearbox.Start assistance HSAThe foot brake can also be released on an uphillgradient to start the engine automatically - theHSA function means that the car does not rollbackwards.HSA (Hill Start Assist) means that the pressurein the brake system remains temporarily avail-able while the driver moves his/her foot fromthe brake pedal to the accelerator pedal fordriving off with the engine having stoppedautomatically. The temporary braking effectreleases after a couple of seconds or when thedriver accelerates.There is more information available on HSA onpage 126.Deactivating the Start/Stop functionIn certain situations, it mayadvisable to temporarilyswitch off the automaticStart/Stop function - this iscarried out by pressing thisbutton once, at which pointthe button's lamp goes out.Disengaged Start/Stop func-tion is indicated by the infor-mation display's symbolgoing out and the messageAuto Start-Stop OFF beingdisplayed forabout 5 seconds - while thebutton's lamp goes out at thesame time.The Start/Stop function is disengaged until it isreactivated with the button or until the nexttime the engine is started with the key.
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