V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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434page / 8.72MB
03 Your driving environmentDRIVe Start/Stop* 03130* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.LimitationsThe engine does not auto-stopEven if the Start/Stop function is activated, theengine does not stop automatically if:ConditionsM/AAthe car has not achievedapprox. 5 km/h (= fast walkingpace) first after a key start or thelast auto-stop.M + Athe driver has opened the seat-belt's buckle.M + Athe capacity of the battery isbelow the minimum permissiblelevel.M + Athe engine does not have normaloperating temperature.M + Aoutside temperature is belowfreezing point or aboveapprox. 30 °C.M + Athe environment in the passengercompartment differs from thepreset values - indicated by theventilation fan running at a highspeed.M + AConditionsM/AAthe car is reversed. M + Abattery temperature is belowfreezing point or aboveapprox. 55 °C.M + Athe driver makes greater steeringwheel movements.M + Athe exhaust system's particulatefilter is full - the temporarily dis-engaged Start/Stop function isreactivated once an automaticcleaning cycle has been per-formed (see page 302).M + Athe road is very steep. M + Aa trailer is connected electricallyto the car’s electrical system.M + Athe atmospheric air pressure isless than equivalent to 1500-2000metres above sea level - the cur-rent air pressure varies with theprevailing weather conditions.Aadaptive cruise control QueueAssist is activated.AConditionsM/AAthe driver’s door has beenopened with the gear selector inD position.Athe gear selector is moved out ofthe D position to S positionB or"+/-".AAM = Manual gearbox, A = Automatic gearbox.BSport mode.The engine auto-startsAn engine that has stopped automatically mayrestart in some cases without the driver havingdecided that the journey should continue. Inthe following cases the engine also starts auto-matically if the driver has not depressed theclutch pedal (manual gearbox) or takes his/herfoot off the brake pedal (automatic gearbox):ConditionsM/AAMisting forms on the windows. M + AThe environment in the passen-ger compartment deviates fromthe preset values.M + AThe outside temperature fallsbelow freezing point or exceedsapprox. 30 °C.M + A
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