V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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03 Your driving environmentFoot brake 03136GeneralThe car is equipped with two brake circuits. Ifone brake circuit is damaged then this willmean that the brakes engage at a deeper leveland harder pressure on the pedal is needed toproduce the normal braking effect.The driver's brake pedal pressure is assistedby a brake servo.WARNINGThe brake servo only works when the engineis running.If the brake is used when the engine is switchedoff then the pedal will feel stiff and more forcemust be used to brake the car.In very hilly terrain or when driving with a heavyload the brakes can be relieved by using enginebraking. Engine braking is most efficiently usedif the same gear is used downhill as up.For more general information on heavy loadson the car, see page 390.Anti-lock braking systemThe car is equipped with ABS (Anti-lockBraking System) which prevents the wheelsfrom locking during braking. This means theability to steer is maintained and it is easier toswerve to avoid a hazard for example. Vibrationmay be felt in the brake pedal when this isengaged and this is normal.A short test of the ABS system is made auto-matically after the engine has been startedwhen the driver releases the brake pedal. Afurther automatic test of the ABS system maybe made when the car reaches 10 km/h. Thetest may be experienced as pulses in the brakepedal.Emergency brake lights and automatichazard warning flashersEmergency brake lights are activated to alertvehicles behind about sudden braking. Thefunction means that the brake light flashesinstead of - as in normal braking - shining witha constant glow.Emergency brake lights are activated atspeeds above 50 km/h if the ABS system isworking and/or in the event of sudden braking.After the car's speed has been slowed below10 km/h the brake light returns from flashing tothe normal constant glow - while at the sametime the hazard warning flashers are activated,and they flash until the driver changes enginespeed with the accelerator pedal or they aredeactivated with their button, see page 92.Cleaning the brake discsCoatings of dirt and water on the brake discsmay result in delayed brake function. This delayis minimised by cleaning the brake linings.Manual cleaning is advisable with wet road sur-faces, prior to long-stay parking and after thecar has been washed. Carry this out by brakinggently during a short period while en route.Emergency Brake AssistanceEmergency Brake Assistance EBA (EmergencyBrake Assist) helps to increase brake force andso reduce braking distance. EBA detects thedriver's braking style and increases brake forceas necessary. The brake force can be rein-forced up to the level when the ABS system isengaged. The EBA function is interrupted whenthe pressure on the brake pedal is reduced.NOTEWhen EBA is activated the brake pedal low-ers slightly more than usual, depress (hold)the brake pedal as long as necessary. If thebrake pedal is released then all brakingceases.MaintenanceTo keep the car as safe and reliable as possi-ble, follow the Volvo service intervals as speci-
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