V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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03 Your driving environmentHDC Hill Descent Control 03138General1HDC can be compared to an automatic enginebrake. When you release the accelerator ondownhill gradients the car is normally brakedby means of the engine striving for low engineidling speeds, so-called engine braking. Butthe steeper the road and the more load there isin the car, the faster the car rolls despite enginebraking. In order to then reduce speed thedriver has to assist using the footbrake.The function makes it possible to increase/reduce speed on steep downhill gradients, witha foot only on the accelerator pedal, withoutusing the footbrake. The sensitivity of theaccelerator pedal decreases and becomesmore precise by means of the full actuation ofthe pedal being restricted to adjusting enginespeed within a limited range. The brake systembrakes itself and provides the car with a lowand even speed, so allowing the driver to fullyfocus on steering.HDC is particularly helpful on steep gradientswith an uneven road surface and slippery sec-tions. E.g. when launching a boat on a trailerfrom a ramp.WARNINGHDC does not work in all situations, but isinstead only intended to be supplementaryassistance.The driver always has ultimate responsibilitythat the car is driven safely.FunctionHDC is engaged or disengaged using a switchon the centre console. An indicator lamp in thebutton illuminates when the function isswitched on. When HDC is operating the symbol illuminates and the displayshows Hill descent control ON .The function only operates in first gear positionand in reverse gear. For an automatic gearbox,gear position 1 must be selected, which isshown with the figure 1 in the trip computerdisplay, see page 124.NOTEHDC cannot be activated in an automaticgearbox with the gear selector in positionD.OperationHDC allows the car to roll at a maximum of10 km/h forwards with engine braking and7 km/h backwards. However, any speed withinthe gear's speed register can be selected usingthe accelerator pedal. When the acceleratorpedal is released, the car is braked quickly to10 or 7 km/h respectively, irrespective of thehill's gradient and without the need for the foot-brake.The brake lights come on automatically whenthe function is operating. The driver can brakeor stop the car at any time by using the foot-brake.HDC is deactivated:1HDC is only available on the XC70.
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